
What is CPM, CPC, CPA and CTR ?

 CPM  CPM implies Cost Per Thousand. (M is the Roman numeral for thousand - thus Cost Per Thousand).  This is the sum you will pay the ad-organization or website distributer to show your ad multiple times on their website or across their ad-organization.  Regardless of whether your ad is shown just a single time to every guest (Unique Impressions) or quite a few times - is something that you should work out with the nad-organization or the website.  CPM rates were once (pre yr 2000 air pocket burst period) as much as $75, yet have now dropped to just $1 CPM.  CPC  CPC implies Cost Per Click. This is the amount you would pay the ad-organization or website each time a guest clicks on your banner. CPC rates can be pretty much as high as $3 per click or just 5 pennies for every click. It relies upon your item and your market - among different elements, the more contest there is - the higher you will likely wind up paying as you rival contenders.  CPA  CPA implies Cost Per Action. The Actio